On May 25, 1911 Laura and L.D. Nelson (mother and son) were both violently lynched in Okema, Oklahoma. L.D., who was only fourteen at the time was accused of shooting Deputy Sheriff George Loney (which he is innocent of). On the day of their lynching they were violently removed from their jail cells. It is reported that Laura was gang raped. They were then taken to a bridge over the North Canadian River and hung together. These lynchings were photographed and circulated as postcards. One suspected lyncher was identified as Charlie Guthrie; he made a song describing a mother and son being lynched and was allegedly a member of the KKK. No one was ever held accountable for this heinous act. Image in today's post was provided by Wikipedia.
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Source Information
Lynching in America | History | Memory | PBS | Lynching in America | History | History | Wikipedia | Wikipedia